Comedy on the river

My show last Friday was in Parkersburg, WV.  They put me up in a Red Roof Inn, very acceptable, plus they allowed pets so stupid Bean came with me.  This was one of the few shows that picked me up at all, but definitely the first that sent this.

Where's the Grey Poupon?

Yes, a limo.  Like a boss.  From the Red Roof Inn.  We then cruised past a high dollar trailer park near the river and went to the show.  In a limo.  The room looked fine, but the show was only half-full.  I wonder why?  Oh, probably because THERE WAS NO AIR CONDITIONING!  It was a great night to wear grey, it barely showed the sweat (it showed all the sweat).  It was at least 85 degrees onstage.  I sold one DVD and one t-shirt, which means it was a great night for merchandise.  I don’t know what I’ll do with all this profit.  Maybe finally pull the trigger on that original Albrecht Durer woodcut I’ve had my eye on.

One Reply to “Comedy on the river”

  1. The German Renaissance artist Albrecht Durer reference was a bit highbrow don’t you think? (Who are you catering to, a Dennis Miller type of audience? You just did a show in WV.) I would be willing to go halfsies on a purchase of “The Knight Death And The Devil” (Who said I would never use knowledge gained in my Art History 101 class) if we can set up a visitation plan. Tuesdays, Thursdays and every other weekend sound good to me.

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