Black Friday shoppers are insane

Big story from the weekend shopping – yes, there are shopping stories all over the news.  This is sad and pathetic.  A woman pepper sprayed other shoppers to get to the front of a line at a Wal-Mart, then disappeared.  Several questions arise – how did this woman get away?  If she hit 20 people w/ pepper spray, I am going to guess she missed at least one witness or she is a pepper spray ninja.

Also, how in the hell did she think this was going to work?  Hmmm, I’ll bet no one at Wal-Mart will care…let me attack strangers…yep, good…OK, I’ll take that Xbox please!  What do you mean I was out of line?  This is why I am a hermit.  I don’t even like going to the grocery store on the weekend.  I always get blocked by some idiot that takes up the whole aisle looking at spaghetti sauces.  Pick a side or get run over, granny.  In fact, my goal is to complete all Christmas shopping in under one hour.  Gift cards for all!  Hope everyone likes Olive Garden, iTunes, or Home Depot!