Another show in the books

A funny (hopefully) blog to balance it out…  I had a show last Friday that went very well for me, mostly b/c I tried a new joke I’ve been working on and it hit pretty hard.  What annoyed me is the show time was supposed to be 8:00 and they moved it to 8:30.  So instead of sitting around for 45 minutes, I now had an hour and 15 to kill.  That’s fun times, sitting on a folding chair in the back of room trying not to drink too much pre-show.

I did however, sell three shirts afterwards, one of which the guy paid me with dollar coins and quarters.  Looks like the bartender just got a bigger tip!  I hate carrying change and what’s with this dumb dollar coin?  No vending machines take them and every time you use one, get ready for the “Well, I ain’t seen one o’ these before!” inane conversations.  I hate small talk and repeat conversations, but it’s something we do in the Midwest.  “Well, it shore is gunna be a hot one today!”  “Yup.”  “Think it’ll rain?”  “Excuse, who are you and why are you talking to me?  Go stand in front of a mirror and bore yourself.  Thanks.”