Movie week!

I have watched a ton of movies recently and here are my short, simple minded reviews.  The Hurt Locker – Roadside bombs are best handled by white trash psychos.  Inception – I need to do more drugs to write a good thriller action movie.  Also, DiCaprio movies are 70% likely to be good if he has facial hair; 30% if he doesn’t.  Kick Ass – 10 year old girls make better fighters cialis dosage than 17 year male nerds.  Machete – White people like to kill Hispanics crossing the border, until a 66 year grabs lawn care tools and murders for the common good.  (Is it racist that he smacked around people with a week wacker and lawn shears?  You be the judge.)  Bad Lieutenant – It had Nicholas Cage in it.  I can’t watch two Cage movies in the same year.  The Blankey by Future Friend Comedy – Chris Coen needed a bigger role.