As our daughter gets older, we notice certain traits she gets from mom and others from me. She sleeps like my wife (aka can wake up if the winds shift in the Tropic of Capricorn) and has my patience (aka waits .01 seconds, then plows through all obstacles with furious rage). One I hope she skips is dad’s OCD tendencies.
1) If I sweat and am not working out or doing physical labor, I HAVE to shower. There are worse OCD traits, for sure. I have a buddy that has to shower every time he drops a deuce. If I had both those problems, I would be typing this blog in the shower.
2) Try getting through your 20’s as me when you can’t walk past a couch and not adjust the throw pillows. Don’t get me started on rug tassels. I’m straight, by the way.
3) If someone is talking to me and has a pimple on their face, I can’t physically listen to anything they are saying. If someone comes in and tells me the secret to eternal life or the winning Powerball numbers and have a pus filled zit on their nose, my brain shuts off all sensory functions and tries to find a way to pop the thing without directly assaulting the person.
4) One time my so called buddy pointed out I missed a spot shaving and I pulled on the stubby hairs for the next 2 hours of the road trip until we stopped and I dry shaved with gas station Lady Bics.
I think she’ll be fine, but the other night she did make us grab every single toy, one by one, before she went to bed. Not bad, until you realize my kid has 8 Elmos. In the living room alone. And Elmo’s not her favorite anymore. Better keep your zits out of her face.