Beer drinking, then and now

2000’s Chris – “I don’t know why in the hell you would buy IPA beer.  It tastes like someone is dumping hops down your throat.  Might as well lick a 9 volt battery, it’s so bitter.”

Now Chris – “Oh God, I have time to drink one beer tonight, maybe two.  Do have anything that has 30.5% alcohol?  IPA?  $22 a six pack?  SOLD!”

2000’s Chris – “I got a new video game, I’m going to hammer down some beers and play until 3 am.”

Now – “I got a new video game.  I am going to drink a beer..”  (Wakes up three hours later in dark, on chair, neck cocked to side and in tremendous pain, game still on start screen, beer almost completely full and warm)

2000’s Chris – “I had five beers and have to pee?  I must have broke the seal.”

Now – “I smelled a beer from across the room.  I’ve pissed nine times in the last 54 minutes.  I’ll probably be hungover tomorrow also.”