Well, I ran the numbers and found out which blogs you, my rabid fanbase/whatever spambot hit my site that day, liked the most in the past year.
In descending order, the top five were “Who in the Hell makes these?” (about hands free breast pump and snot siphons), “Holy Crap, it’s baby time” (about having a baby, not me, but my wife), “Well, it’s time to change my name” (I am now Chris Hanson), “How to be a bag of shit after a tragedy” (I hate people) and number one, “My wife’s parole has been denied.” (My first anniversary) The links are too long to put in a paragraph, but you can google those titles with my name and revisit all the fun.
What I learned is that people are most interested in my baby, my wife, me calling strangers bags of shit, and lastly my book. Sounds like my next book should be about my baby and insulting strangers for their social media stupidity. In all honesty though, I would like to thank everyone that reads this comedy blogsite/personal therapy log and I hope you enjoy it. And buy my book “Stuff to Read While You Shit” on Amazon. I have a baby. (See blogs) http://www.amazon.com/Stuff-Read-While-You-Sh/dp/1329558936/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1451530419&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=stuff+to+read+while+you+shit+book.