There are way too many bad stories anymore. In the last week, I’ve seen stories about ISIS attacks, child abuse, government corruption and heroin overtaking communities. Most people do the right thing when discussing them, like mentioning how such things make them appreciate their families, how they feel bad for those who have suffered, or even link to websites that offer aid and comfort. It makes you feel better. DON’T WORRY, THOUGH, THE INTERNET WILL TAKE OF THAT!
If you pointed out that there was an outpouring of support for France, but no one cared about the Beirut attacks, I get it. If you didn’t post anything about Beirut before the Paris attack, you’re a douche. “Why doesn’t anyone care about Beirut?” I don’t know – why didn’t you until someone pointed it out to you and now you act like you’re better than everyone?
If you posted about the need for religious tolerance, while bashing another religion, you’re what is called a hypocrite. I hate to bust up your moment – there are scumbags that are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, agnostic, Satanists, Druids, atheists…see where this is going? Trashing a whole religion or non-religion to support another one is contradicting the whole point you feebly attempted to make. Except for Zoroastrians. I’ve had about enough of their bullshit.
Please do me a personal favor. Don’t invoke the Constitution, Bill of Rights or another American symbol for topics you like, then trash them when they don’t work out to your exact specified list of political demands. I can see James Madison now, writing out the Constitution. “All done. WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT WILL JERRY FROM PATASKALA THINK ABOUT THE APPOINTMENT OF FEDERAL JUDGES IN 2015? SHIT, WE HAVE TO START ALL OVER!”
Finally, whatever your opinion on an event, political issue, or life in general, just remember there is a very stupid person that agrees with you 100%. It puts things in perspective when you see someone post about how dare they get fired for stealing from the cash register at work share the same link as you.
ISIS is a radical terrorist group that sells little girls into sex slavery, burns people alive (including other Muslims), executes Christians, Jews, homosexuals and non-believers -even children. This flock of shitbirds isn’t fighting for independence – they want to enact a global theocracy by any means, including mass murder. While we’re pissing about, they are planning their next attack. Let’s direct our venom at these Stone Age throwback intolerant psychos. And Tom Brady. Does that guy lose at anything?