My daughter loves dogs. LOVES dogs. Every time we pass one, she would at least point and walk towards, at most bounce and start breathing heavy and usually cry when they walked away. It was a matter of time. My mom sent an ad, so my wife went to check out the pup with G in tow while dad was working. Needless to say, the purchase was completed pretty quickly. (The good thing about not being there is I can say I would have picked one of the other ones when the puppy leaves a loaf in my wife’s shoe).
I was somewhat apprehensive, just for the fact I had such a hard time with losing my dog in February. I came home to tell this new mutt how inferior it was to Stringbean, but I’ll be damned – when I got home it was waiting at the door for me and wagging her tail at light speed. She followed me or one of my ladies around non-stop, so after some debate, her name became Merry (for the happiness) Polarity (since she’s like a magnet).

Of course, then the dog attacked my daughter’s Captain America Build a Bear and tried to drink my beer. Terrorism is everywhere, it appears. We also realized she was absolutely covered in fleas, just like my wife was when we met. Memories. Thankfully, they were all dead, but her skin was all jacked up, so that was fun. The vet told us she had worms, like I did when my wife and I met. More memories. We got those taken care of too.
I learned some things since Bean – he was a fully grown stray that was housebroken when I got him. This thing pees every five minutes. Bean didn’t bark, play with toys more than five seconds a month and was always hot like me. Merry barks when she gets excited, wants to play all the time (except when peeing thankfully) and is freezing like my wife. I also realized how incredibly awful it is to housetrain a puppy when it’s 2 degrees the first weekend. I hope the hypothermia doesn’t set it too quickly the next time there’s a BM on the schedule. We like this little rascal though and hopefully she wears out my tornado toddler and not Mom and Dad.