Well, this dad and his lovely wife and the perpetual motion blur we call our daughter got to attend Sesame Street Live this weekend. Grab a nice glass of hand sanitizer and make yourself comfy; I’ll tell you all about it. (Pauses again to wash hands, sanitize body after being around hundreds of disease carrying rugrats)
The fun for any family affair really starts early. You pack, check the weather, repack, plan meals, hope for poops before the event, not during…then your kid, who the day before woke up at 3:30 am for no reason, decides to not go down for her nap for over 2 hours later than normal. Then the dog decides to roll in the mud three minutes before we leave. Then you realize your wife bought tickets for the wrong show…the one that started at 1, not the 4:30 show you’re at now. We were getting in this damn show if I had to punch Elmo right in front of a gaggle of toddlers. We got in.

LOTS of music, which was good for G. They served beer, which was good for Dada. If I drank every time someone said the word “friend”, I would have been blacked out off Bud Light by the third song. THERE’S A LOT OF FRIENDS ON SESAME STREET. Grover has his friend Chamki visiting from India and there’s a lot of singing before and during the visit. My daughter was either clapping, pointing or dancing the entire show and refused all snacks because looking down at snacks meant less time viewing the show. The kid in front of us was about four and he tried to pinch my daughter and chucked fruit snacks down the aisle when he was told no on something. He had red hair also, so way to help with the stereotype for ginger kids. I thought about pinching him when no one was looking, but he didn’t sit still long enough.

Twenty years ago I went to my first concert as an adult – Ozzfest ’97 with the Ozzy/Black Sabbath reunion (and Pantera, my first mosh pit). Ozzy had a voice issue and couldn’t take the stage after 45 minutes of all the other bands there playing his music. Seeing five bands playing Ozzy music was cool until the lady in the business suit walked out and announced no Ozzy and the place was set on fire, literally. I saw the fence burning as I ran to the car. Well, Sesame Street Live was no Ozzfest, which was good as I don’t really need my daughter’s first concert to involve a mini-riot…but if the remaining members of Pantera get back together, we are going for sure. I know two Pantera songs about friends so it’s basically the same as Sesame Street Live and I think a mosh pit is the only thing that could wear my peanut out.