My wife and I went downtown over the weekend to hit up 16 bit bar, a bar/arcade full of 80’s and 90’s video games. Alcohol and video games, these are a few of my favorite things. Little did we know the real fun was outside.
As we approached the establishment, a guy was holding a python in his hand. No sign, booth or indication of any purpose behind the reptile, just a weirdo holding a constrictor. Some pink haired girl with a lot of ink was talking to him (in other words, she looked like the type of girl that would be talking to guy holding a snake). Suddenly, the snake began vomiting on the sidewalk. I wasn’t sure it was puke until I saw the grey fur and mouse tail. In case you were wondering, snake regurgitation smells just as awful as people’s. Not that you were wondering. The girl backed away, stunned. The guy just stood there and looked at his snake, like it was his fault.
The problem I had with all this wasn’t that he had a snake, it was that he had a snake just walking around the street. It clearly wasn’t good for the general public (I have heard some people aren’t fond of them) and the animal clearly wasn’t enjoying its experience. Plus some poor asshole had a clean up snake puke. Usually the worst thing that happens at work is you forget to take out your trash after you toss some lunch meat in there. “How was work honey?” Oh, not bad, other than the fact I was working Sunday and had to scoop up a half digested rodent while some psycho was slow dancing with a wild animal. It smelled exactly as awful as it sounds.