– Why does this game start after 9 pm during the week, when the biggest markets are Eastern Standard Time? Sure, the other team is in California, but they don’t have water. I doubt they care too much.
– Pixels looks like a tolerable or awful comedy; too early to tell. The promos showing Anthony Davis play basketball against Donkey Kong make me want to watch neither basketball or the movie.
– The Cavs aren’t technically a one man team, but if Cleveland can lobby the NBA to go to a one on one format, they better start quickly.
– Apparently, now that I’m going to be a dad, I’m supposed to get really excited about getting golf shirts and plaid shorts for Father’s Day. Sorry, JC Penny. Can’t do it.
– I’m more annoyed with Steph Curry’s mouthpiece hanging out of his mouth than anything…except for people that don’t squeeze their pimples. They are still at the top.
– I fell asleep during the fourth quarter and woke up to My 600 lb. Life. I think the struggle of losing 400 pounds is surpassed only by the struggle of the Cavs to score with LeBron on the bench.