I took my wife to the Cirque du Soliel: Kooza this weekend. It was quite the show. It’s a circus, but not the clowns and elephants kind, more the how in the hell did that Asian guy or girl do that kind of circus.
We got there and I got into an argument with a large man sitting in our seats. I should have taken his seat, which was closer, but he kept insisting he in the right row, so I took the worse seats on principle. The show started and someone immediately got up in front of us. Why you would sit in a circus tent for 30 minutes and then get up the second the show started is beyond my comprehension.
I saw people backflip with stilts on and land on the stilts, some ladies bend their legs back over their heads and run in a circle (it’s hard to explain, but was as amazing as it sounds) and also some guy almost fall off a tightrope. He grabbed the wire and flipped back up. My wife began to get annoyed because I said “I can do that” after every performance. The only thing I could have actually done would have been soil myself 50 feet above the stage. I don’t know how much that would pay, but I’m open if a promoter wants to talk about it.