“I don’t know, do you have two buttholes?”

Sometimes the best moments in life come from out of leftfield.  My wife looks up everything baby related on her phone, so we get things like this.  Enjoy.

“It says sacral dimples are genetic.  Do you have a sacral dimple?”  What in the hell is that?  “It’s at the top of your butt.”  I don’t know.  “How do you not know?”  I’ve never looked at my butt that much, if at all.  “It’s a dimple above your butt.”  Like another butthole?  No, I don’t have two buttholes.  “It’s not another butthole.  You’ve never looked to check?”  It would be weirder if I had.  Here, you look.  “I’m not looking.  You should know what you have there.”  I don’t know, do you have two buttholes?  I’m pretty sure I don’t.

That was pretty much the end of the conversation.  This, of course, took place on our anniversary day.  Just to be safe, I either need to schedule an appointment with the ass doctor or discontinue internet service at the house.

In other news, I should have my book available in e-book form for purchase this week.  Stay tuned.