This is cheaper than therapy and hopefully humorous.
1) You send an email to someone and then pick up your phone and call them to ask if they got the email and what they think about it. The email is four paragraphs and you sent it two and half seconds ago, so of course they had time to read it and respond.
2) You post political links from highly partisan political sites on Facebook five or more times a day, then block or unfriend people that disagree with you. “I don’t get it, I put up seven simple links to why the party I don’t like is EXACTLY the same as the Nazis, called everyone a racist (or anti-American), followed up with some abortion commentary, and SOME DICK actually disagreed with me?! Blocked!” Did you kick a dog and bitch that he bit you? You’re stupid.
3) You’re on your cell phone, driving, when you are startled by someone honking and flipping you off – and you get mad at them. If you don’t know why someone is going bananas, there’s a 97% chance you weren’t paying attention and you’re a scumbag.
4) You come to an open mic comedy show and heckle the comics, but won’t get onstage. This is more personal. I had a guy Monday show up, blab and yell the whole time, insult the comics and decline the invitation to get up and do comedy. Then after the show he came up and tried to tell us a joke. I got up and walked out the second he started talking to us. Not so fun, is it you used up nipple baby? Mommy ignored you and now so will I. Get your attention from your lonely drink and barstool.