Birthing class, the fun killer

I know less about how babies are born than a five year old who thinks a stork is involved.  Actually, I’m lying, I used to know less.  Then I went to birthing class.  That is one way to make you not want to make humans.

First off, they had a lot of charts.  This one showed me that apparently women don’t like it when a baby rips through their nether region.

Momma don't feel good right now!
Momma don’t feel good right now!

And to think, I thought it was pleasant as pie.

I learned about mucus plugs, cervical effacement, and water breaking.  Oh, if it’s green, that means baby just dropped a hot deuce!  Fun!  Speaking of that, loose stool is an indicator that the baby is coming soon.  I think I’ve been expecting since 1998, if that’s the case.

The teacher said she wouldn’t keep us too long, she had delivered a lot of babies that day.  “Maybe you’ll deliver one tonight!”  None of the pregnant ladies or the nurse found it as funny as I did.  The humor quickly declined after she started the C section video.  One guy groaned like he just got kicked in the balls.  I’ll bet he’s not going be a good coach.  That’s what they call the non-pregnant person.  A coach.  I need a whistle and a clipboard.  “Hey!  Let’s hustle up with that baby!  I got things to do!”  Then my wife buries a scalpel in my jugular.  Maybe I’ll hold off on the whistle.