I watched four minutes of Glee and survived

Living with my girlfriend has exposed me to new things, like cleaning supplies not called Windex.  Thankfully, she’s not one of those people in a relationship that thinks the only way you can grow closer is to force their TV shows on you.  It’s good for her too, because I would make her watch the Ken Burns Civil War series about 14 times through until she set the DVD player on fire.

Sometimes, however, I catch something in the background.  I happened to catch a few minutes of Glee.  I immediately noticed the school was more diverse than a McDonald’s commercial filmed in the U.N.  Isn’t this supposed to be in rural Ohio?  Apparently the writers didn’t do their homework.

The plot was strange.  The ugly girls were having a dance where they got to pick their dates.  “Doesn’t that mean they’re calling themselves ugly?”  “Isn’t that superficial of them to pick guys based on looks?”  “Is that a dude singing dressed like a chick?  Is he/she one of the ugly chicks?  I should hope so.”  I’m pretty sure she won’t be watching Glee with me in the room again.  Glad I have good taste in TV.  Is that Road House 2?  There goes my afternoon!