The jedi comedian

I went to the open mike this week and there was a new guy I had never seen before.  He walked up to the mike for the workshop, where comics try new material out for other comics.  This is an awkward thing, I tried a new joke and it got blank stares, mixed with deafening silence.  Well, that failed.

What was weird when my new friend went up to try his jokes was the fact he was wearing a light saber on his belt.  His joke had nothing to do with light sabers, rather about farting.  More specifically, what would happen if you farted directly into someone else’s butthole.  Yes.  Nothing about the light saber.  Other comics then offered up advice, most notably, what’s up with the Star Wars weapon?  The answer: “It’s a good luck charm.  I feel like I’m selling out talking about it.”  Then why wear it onstage?  “I don’t see why it’s weird.”  Of course not, lots of people get onstage in front of complete and total strangers wearing mythical weaponry.  Sorry we brought it up.  I think my next set I’m going to wear women’s underwear outside my pants.  I’m sure no one will notice.